

Joseph Berg

From mixing an Emmy nominated film to writing and singing duets with the legendary Victoria Williams, I’ve been working professionally in the music industry as an engineer, songwriter, producer and musician for over a decade. I started my engineering career in Joshua Tree, California, making records with Chris Unck (Butch Walker and the Black Roses) at Hi Lonesome Studio. I’ve also trained under Grammy Award winning mix/mastering engineer Blake La Grange (Kanye West, Nine Inch Nails). Songs that I’ve written and recorded have also been placed in both TV and film, and have been played around the world.

What matters most though, is that I care about music, and I put one hundred percent of my focus into every project that I’m a part of, big or small. I will not stop until it’s something we are both extremely proud of. So reach out to me and lets get a conversation started about your project. Whether you’re almost finished or just getting started, I’ll lend an ear, and we can find out which of the services I offer are right for getting your music ready for commercial release.


Mastering Services

This studio was designed with mastering in mind. The analog outboard gear I use for mastering was specifically chosen just for that. If you have...
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Mixing Services

Much like mastering, Cherry Creek Studio was built for mixing.  I’ve mixed Emmy nominated projects, and I will deliver that same quality to your music.  Using a...
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Recording Services

Ready to record your next project?  Need to finish tracking overdubs?  Cherry Creek Studio is a great spot to get away from the world and make your...
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 Reference Tracks

Check My Work

 Audio Services


$100 per song
for a single track
$200 per song
for a single track
Prices will vary after we discuss the scope of your project. My base rate is $300/song, For mixing, it’s best we just talk and figure out what will work for you and your budget, and for me and the use of my time and studio.
For TV and film projects, due to the nature of the beast, I do a flat hourly rate of $25/hour.
Recording is similar to mixing in that it will vary based on the particulars of each project. I’m open to discussing package deals if you’re planning on doing a full project with me (recording/mixing/mastering). Let’s talk about your project and find out what’s right for both of us. Hourly rate starts at $25/hour.

Answers to


What sort of files should I send you for mastering?

Please refer to this checklist below for sending projects for mastering.  If any questions arise, don’t hesitate to email me and we will get it resolved. 

1. All files must be in at least 44.1 kHz format, and at least 24 bit.  (If your files are in a higher sample rate, send it to me at the sample rate it is in.  I will handle any downsampling and or dithering if needed.)  

2. All files must be either WAV or AIFF file format. no MP3s. 

3. All reference mixes must be “high quality” MP3s. 

4. All files must have no digital clipping, and should have headroom to work with.  (Peaks around -6db is preferred)

5. Remove all limiters from your master buss.

6. Have all individual tracks edited with clean fades, and eliminate any unwanted noise, clicks, or pops.

7. Leave some silence at the beginning & end of the song to allow me some room to work with fades. 

8. Do not send session files, only WAV files. 

9. When all the files are ready to be sent, please label and organize the files properly, and send using WeTransfer or Dropbox.

What sort of files should I send you for mixing?

Please refer to this checklist below for sending projects for mixing.  If any questions arise, don’t hesitate to email me and we will get it resolved. 

1. All files must be in at least 44.1 kHz format, and at least 24 bit.  (16 bit files can be used during mixing if this is the only format possible for a certain individual track, but should be avoided if possible.  If your files are in a higher sample rate, send it to me at the sample rate it is in.  I will handle any downsampling and or dithering if needed.)  

2. All files must be either WAV or AIFF file format. no MP3s. 

3. All reference mixes must be “high quality” MP3s. 

4. All files must have no digital clipping.

5. Do not send session files, only WAV files. 

6. When all the files are ready to be sent, please label and organize the files properly, and send using WeTransfer or Dropbox.

What is mastering?

To briefly summarize, mastering is the last step in the post-production process before a song or project’s commercial distribution.  This process includes applying eq, saturation, compression, limiting, stereo imaging, fading, spacing, dithering, ISRC coding, etc to the final mix (or mixes) in order to achieve a ‘commercial ready’ final product, as well as a cohesive sound throughout an entire project if there are multiple tracks.  It is the final 10% percent of the process, and its is 100% percent necessary for completing any production.

What is stem mastering?

Stem mastering is a more versatile option of mastering.  Instead of mastering the final stereo file, like in normal mastering, stem mastering combines 3-5 “stems” or stereo groups of instruments to create a final stereo master.  This is a great option for someone that has gotten their mix as far as they can take it, but feel it just needs that extra finishing touch to take it to where it needs to go.  Budget-wise, it’s a perfect fit between a full mix + master, versus a master only.  

The stems should represent the main sonic elements of your project, for example: drums, bass, guitars, and vocals.  You can use any stems you’d like, I just ask that there’s at least 3, and no more than 5, and that each track must be a stereo file.  If you have any questions on preparing your mix for a stem master, just shoot me an email and I can help you with stemming out your particular project.

How long will it take to get my songs finished?

For mastering, I shoot for anywhere between 1-3 days turnaround, and never any longer than a week.  For mixing, this all depends on the scope of the project, how detailed your revisions are and how quickly i receive them, etc… It can take anywhere from one day to a few weeks. 

Are you offering free samples for mastering?

Yes!  If you would like to hear a free sample of how your song will sound mastered, send me a track, and I will get you a 1-2 minute sample of the finished master, if you like your master, as soon as I receive payment i will send you the finished full master.