Mixing Services

Much like mastering, Cherry Creek Studio was built for mixing.  I’ve mixed Emmy nominated projects, and I will deliver that same quality to your music.  Using a hybrid style of mixing, I use the best of digital (recall, automation, etc.) and mix into an analog summing console, hitting choice analog tape simulators, color boxes, eq’s, compression, and more along the way.  This way your music can have as much of that big analog console feel as you want, with the benefits of modern workflow.  

When hiring me for a mixing project, we will approach the process similarly to mastering.  We’ll start with a conversation about your project.  We’ll listen to the tracks, as well as reference mixes, and discuss your vision for where the piece of music should go sonically.  If there is anything that needs to be addressed in the recording process, I’ll let you know before we go ahead with the mix.  

Mixing is much more subjective than mastering.  When there are revisions, they’ll require detailed notes and correspondence.  I will communicate and keep you in the loop every step of the way, and address each note that you have on the mix.  We will revise until you are fully satisfied before we move on to the mastering phase.  When you have a project you would like to have mixed, and/or have any questions, email me at [email protected] to get started.

You can also visit the FAQ page for commonly asked questions about mixing.