Author: Cherry Creek Music

Recording Services

Ready to record your next project?  Need to finish tracking overdubs?  Cherry Creek Studio is a great spot to get away from the world and make your art.  The studio is located on a small farm outside New Orleans, where you can cut out all the noise of the city, hang out with...

Mixing Services

Much like mastering, Cherry Creek Studio was built for mixing.  I’ve mixed Emmy nominated projects, and I will deliver that same quality to your music.  Using a hybrid style of mixing, I use the best of digital (recall, automation, etc.) and mix into an analog summing console, hitting choice analog tape simulators,...

Mastering Services

This studio was designed with mastering in mind. The analog outboard gear I use for mastering was specifically chosen just for that. If you have an in-the-box mix thats just sounding a little too digital, and missing that certain something, wait till you hear it after it’s hit with all...